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Have you ever tried the feeling of walking barefoot on grass and several natural elements around yourself?
Thanks to the new sensorial path, you may stimulate all your senses. It is particularly appropiate to children. Indeed, it is an innovative path characterized by different elements, which gives you the opportunity to spend a peaceful moment in serenity, alone or with your family.

The trail is reachable from the hamlet of Daolasa: in the small square of the little village begins a short climb, which conducts to crossroad. Here, signalized by a sign, starts tha path. During the walk you will find curious elements, which tell the legend of Aulasa Princess, to whom the path is dedicated.

Furthermore, you can discover interesting information about flora and fauna, that characterized our territory, thanks to the technology of QR code.

Commezzadura estate sentiero sensoriale
Prenota Esperienze Prenota Esperienze